How Many Solar Panels are Needed to Power My Home?

Posted on 03 January 2022

How Many Solar Panels are Needed to Power My Home?

Making the move to home solar systems can be highly beneficial for both you as the homeowner, and for the environment. Home solar systems contribute far less to climate change compared to non-renewable forms of energy and they can also save you money in the long run. Although the initial purchase of residential solar panels might be expensive, the amount that you save on energy bills will eventually mean you are getting a return on your solar panel investment. One of the most important things to consider when buying solar panels for houses, is how many panels you require to power your home. Here, Solar Power Direct will discuss how many panels are required for different sized houses.

What Do I First Need to Consider?

Before you can figure out how many solar panels are needed for your home, you first need to take into consideration a few different things, including:

  • Average Energy Use: How much energy does your household use monthly? This can be dependent on the number of people living in your home. It can also vary from season to season.

  • Solar Panel Output: Different solar panels have different energy outputs, ranging anywhere from 250 to 400 watts. Depending on the type of solar panel you purchase, this will influence how many you need.

  • The Climate: The biggest influence in how efficiently your solar panels work is based on how much sun they are exposed to. Living in a hot climate means your residential solar panels will absorb more heat, and hence be able to store and provide more energy.

All in all, it is important to remember that the number of solar panels for houses needed is dependent on several variables.

How Many Solar Panels are Needed for an Average Australian Home?

On average, a standard residential home in Australia requires between 25-30 solar panels to provide 100% energy supply to your home. This means you will not have to rely on any supplemental energy supply from the grid. In saying this, however, the number of required solar panels for houses changes depending on the energy use in your home, the amount of sun that your panels are exposed to, and the wattage of each of the panels you purchase. By altering these variables, the number of panels required will change.

Solar Power Direct offers a fantastic tool on our website to help you get a better idea of how many panels are required for your home.

For more information regarding residential solar panels, contact the team at Solar Power Direct online or by calling 08 7226 0560.

Solar Power Direct is a proud member of the Smart Energy Council, working towards a safe climate and a strong renewable economy.