Sustainable City Incentives Scheme

Posted on 12 August 2017

Sustainable City Incentives Scheme

Further to our announcement of the Adelaide City Council providing solar incentives to homes and businesses in Adelaide, the City Council has released further information on what incentives they are providing form July 1st 2015.

Read on below to learn more from the Adelaide City Council announcement:

To reduce carbon emission from the City community and conserve energy, water and natural resources, Adelaide City Council is providing reimbursements for the installation of water and energy devices.

Incentives Scheme – Available From July 1, 2015

This Scheme is available to all building owners and tenants including businesses, residents, schools, community and sporting organisations in the City of Adelaide for works completed from July 1, 2015.

Subject to funding availability, the Sustainable City Incentives Scheme will provide up to:

Incentives of >$20,000 to a single site record in a year will be considered a Partnership Project and will require the approval of Council for example, this may occur when incentives from multiple categories are sought.

  • $5,000 for installing solar PV
  • $5,000 for installing energy storage
  • $500 per electric vehicle charging controller
  • $5,000 for apartment building energy efficiency upgrades
  • $1,000 for changing out quartz halogen downlights to LED downlights
  • $120 for installing an energy monitoring system
  • $1,000 to for solar hot water system
  • $500 for rain water tanks or $3,000 for communal use rain water tanks in apartment buildings

Prospective applicants should contact Adelaide City Council at or telephone 8203 7203 to discuss potential projects, funding availability and eligibility with a member of the Sustainability Policy team.

Download: Scheme Snapshot (PDF, 150KB)

Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Please note, a solar photovoltaic (solar PV) system purchased on a solar lease or power purchase agreement is ineligible.

  • Photovoltaic systems from 1.5kW and up to and including 10kW capacity are eligible to receive 20% of the installed system cost up to a maximum of $1,000.
  • Photovoltaic systems of more than 10kW up to and including 20kW are eligible to receive 20% of the installed cost of the system up to a maximum of $2,500.
  • Photovoltaic systems greater than 20kW capacity are eligible to receive 20% of the installed cost of the system up to a maximum of $5000.

Installation of solar PV systems may impact on your current and future solar PV feed-in and electricity demand tariffs. It is recommended applicants contact their electricity retailer or SA Power Networks prior to installing a device to determine any impacts.

» Download the solar panels rebate form

Solar Energy Storage Systems

Energy storage systems coupled with an onsite solar photovoltaic system are eligible for up to 50% of the installed system cost to a maximum of $5,000.

The energy storage rebate is based on deliverable energy from the system, to be calculated using the following formula:

Rebate = kWh discharge per cycle (at manufacturer’s depth of discharge) x lifetime discharge cycles (EOL 80%) x $0.15/kWh

Installation of energy storage systems may impact on your solar PV feed-in and electricity network demand tariffs. It is recommended applicants contact their electricity retailer or SA Power Networks prior to purchase to determine any impacts.

» Download the energy storage incentive form (PDF, 60KB)

Smart Blocks Energy Efficiency Implementation

Energy efficiency measures implemented are eligible for 20% of the installed cost up to a maximum of $5,000/year.

The apartment building must be participating in, or willing to join, the Smart Blocks program ( and agree to complete a case study.

Individual energy efficiency measures must have a cost of carbon abatement of <$60/tonne CO2-e over a device deeming period of 10 years.

Energy efficiency measures must be identified and assessed as part of an energy audit conducted by an accredited assessor or suitably qualified engineer.

» Download the Smart Blocks energy efficiency incentive form

LED Downlight (Halogen Replacement)

Replacing halogen down lights with LED down lights is eligible for 30% of the total installed cost up to $30 per fitting and a maximum of $1,000.

Installation of the LED down lights must include the replacement of halogen lights and transformers with new LED lights and drivers.

» Download the LED downlight incentive form

Energy Monitoring System

Installation of an energy monitoring system is eligible for 50% of the installed cost up to a maximum of $120.

The energy monitoring system must provide real-time energy monitoring of mains power consumption and must be hard-wired.

» Download the energy monitoring system incentive form

Solar Hot Water System

The replacement of an existing electric or gas storage hot water system with a gas boosted solar hot water system is eligible to receive up to $1,000.

» Download the solar hot water system incentive form

Rainwater Tank

Rainwater tanks must be at least 2,000 litres total capacity and plumbed into at minimum a toilet or hot water service or washing machine.

The purchase, installation and plumbing of rainwater tank with a minimum total capacity of 2,000 litres is eligible for a rebate of $500.

The purchase, installation and plumbing of rainwater tanks into apartments for communal internal use is eligible for a rebate of $0.25 per litre of storage capacity up to a maximum of $3,000.

» Download the rain water tank incentive form

Grants of up to $1,000 including GST per site or activity are available to support the environmental work of volunteers in the City that contributes to achieving Council’s strategic objectives.

See more at:

Solar Power Direct is a proud member of the Smart Energy Council, working towards a safe climate and a strong renewable economy.