What size solar system do I need for my home?

Posted on 15 February 2017

What size solar system do I need for my home?

When selecting a solar power system for your home, it’s important to choose the correct size for your current power usage. The number of appliances you use, the number of people in your house, and how often you are home are all factors that affect your energy usage, and in turn determine what size your solar panel system should be.

Below, you can estimate what sized system you might need, based on the size of your household.

Calculate what size solar system you need:

Household sizeSmall householdAverage householdLarge household
Number of people1-2 people2-3 people4+ people
Items Powered By Your Solar SystemTV

DVD player

Sound system




Washing machine

Energy Efficient lights


DVD player

Sound system




Washing machine

Energy Efficient lights


Small airconditioner


DVD player

Sound system




Washing machine

Energy Efficient lights


Large airconditioner



Approx. solar power generated1,533 to 3,066 kWh pa4,599 to 6,132 kWh pa7,665 to 9,198 kWh pa
Roof area requiredApprox. 10-18mApprox. 18-40mApprox. 40-60m
Recommended system1-2W3-4kW5-6kW

If you’d like to see a case study on how a family saved by installing the correct sized solar system, you can read our case study here. If you think you’re ready to get your system, you can check our solar panel pricing here.

Factors to consider when selecting your solar system

  • Research the reputation, reliability and quality of your system
  • Understand the warranty terms for your panels, inverter and installation
  • Research your solar provider to understand other customer feedback
  • Check that your solar retailer has a strong track record so they will be around to honour all warranties
  • Consider your electricity usage now and how it might change in the future. If you think your usage will increase, you might want to consider a slightly larger system
  • Consider how much roof space you have available to install solar panels (this will dictate the maximum size of your system)
  • Make the most of your solar panel system by shifting usage to the daytime (e.g. run your dishwasher during the day instead of at night)
  • The number of years you are willing to wait for your solar system to pay back your initial investment
  • The amount of electricity you want to generate (system output)

You can also learn what solar rebates and incentives are currently available in Adelaide & SA to maximize your return on your investment.


Choosing the right solar power system for you home is crucial to maximize the return on your investment. Take a look at your energy usage and what appliances you are currently running in your home and select a system that suits your individual needs.

Solar Power Direct is a proud member of the Smart Energy Council, working towards a safe climate and a strong renewable economy.