Switching to Residential Solar Panels in Australia

Posted on 06 June 2022

Switching to Residential Solar Panels in Australia

There are an increasing number of Australian households that are choosing to make the switch to renewable energy. The most popular, being solar energy. Solar is becoming more and more accessible to average Australian families due to reduced costs of initial purchase and installation, as well as additional government subsidies. These subsidies have provided extra motivation and encouragement to families to make the switch to solar. In this article, Solar Power Direct will talk about the benefits of switching to solar power in Australia, as well as how we can help you make the transition.

Benefits of Switching to Solar

There are a variety of benefits of installing home solar systems in Australia, ranging from financial benefits to environmental ones. Some of the best reasons to make the switch to solar include:

  • Solar power is pollution free: one of the best reasons to install home solar systems is that they are a renewable source of energy. It is one of the cleanest ways of generating energy, as there are no greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere after installation.

  • Save money on bills: installing residential solar panels means that you no longer have to rely solely on the grid for power. By generating your own power for your own home, you don’t have to purchase energy from the grid.

  • You get a return on investment: although the initial purchase and installation cost may be high, the money that you save in the long run is absolutely worth it. On average, it takes between 3-4 years for you to save enough money on electricity bills to equal the initial cost. After this time, you are then getting a return on your investment.

Solar Rebates South Australia

South Australia offers substantial rebates on home solar systems, in order to encourage Australian households to make the switch to solar. For a solar system that costs approximately $10,500, the South Australian government will provide you a rebate of up to $3,700.

How the Team at Solar Power Direct Can Help

As we are the trusted local experts in Adelaide for all things solar, we are here to help you make the switch. Our team is available for any questions or queries that you might have and can also help you choose the right solar panels and solar battery for your home.

Discover more today by reaching out to a member of our friendly team, either online or by giving us a call on 08 7226 0560.

Solar Power Direct is a proud member of the Smart Energy Council, working towards a safe climate and a strong renewable economy.