
The Tesla Energy Plan

The Tesla Energy Plan

18 October 2019
If you’re on the ball with your energy-saving and have already installed a Tesla Powerwall in your home, do we have news for you! The new Tesla Energy Plan, pow ...
What is the SA Home Battery Scheme?

What is the SA Home Battery Scheme?

02 September 2019
The SA Home Battery Scheme is a State Government subsidy which helps homeowners to pay for the installation of home battery systems. The Scheme is now available ...
All you need to know about the new Tesla Powerwall

All you need to know about the new Tesla Powerwall

16 July 2019
Tesla is a name that has become synonymous with sustainability, quality and forward-thinking attitudes. For over 10 years, Tesla has been building integrated ba ...
Approved Solar Retailer Update

Approved Solar Retailer Update

25 March 2019
Back in January, Solar Power Direct became Clean Energy Council Approved Retailers, which comes with a whole range of benefits to you as a consumer. You can rea ...
Solar Power Direct Are Now Clean Energy Council Approved Retailers

Solar Power Direct Are Now Clean Energy Council Approved Retailers

22 January 2019
Solar Power Direct are now Clean Energy Council Approved Retailers, which comes with a whole range of benefits to you as a consumer! When you buy solar from a ...
Solar scheme to remain unchanged

Solar scheme to remain unchanged

11 September 2018
Last week, as the Federal Government argued over the National Energy Guarantee and threatened to scrap the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), the Clean ...
How does solar work?

How does solar work?

11 August 2018
Whether you’re thinking of installing solar or have already taken the leap, you might be a bit confused about how the system actually works. Here are some frequ ...
Maximise your solar power and save

Maximise your solar power and save

01 August 2018
G​et more value from your rooftop solar power with battery storage systems that allow you to use more of what your grid connect system produces. Master electric ...
The case for going Solar now

The case for going Solar now

22 July 2018
Investing in grid connect solar power for your home or business sooner rather than later makes sense as Federal Government incentives start to reduce each year ...
Are you eligible for a Small-Scale Technology Certificate?

Are you eligible for a Small-Scale Technology Certificate?

19 July 2018
Solar panels are the preferred way for Australians to reduce their carbon footprint and electricity bills. However, that means that many Australians are already ...
Step by step solar installation process

Step by step solar installation process

18 July 2018
You’ve decided to go with solar, but you’re unsure of how to get there. Installing a solar panel system doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a step by step br ...
How to determine the best solar panel orientation for your property

How to determine the best solar panel orientation for your property

11 July 2018
When designing your solar power system, there are several factors that will impact on how much power you can produce. Put simply, the more sunlight your panels ...
Direct The Power Back Home

Direct The Power Back Home

28 June 2018
You can bank on solar power to reduce costs at home or at your business as the price of electricity continues to soar. Master electrician and managing director ...
What you need to know about the latest changes to solar rebates

What you need to know about the latest changes to solar rebates

20 June 2018
​In the coming year, important changes will be implemented that will affect the current solar rebate rules. Currently, the solar rebates exist to add an extra i ...
Solar panel head-to-head: Jinko versus Q-Cellse

Solar panel head-to-head: Jinko versus Q-Cellse

01 June 2018
Solar panels are one of the leading sources of renewable energy in Australia, and more homes and businesses are running on solar power every day. But not all so ...
Let The Sun Shine With Solar

Let The Sun Shine With Solar

27 May 2018
From the Messenger Trades & Services (Stephanie Timotheou): MORE than a million homes and businesses across Australia use solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to ...
What is solar battery storage?

What is solar battery storage?

26 May 2018
In recent weeks battery power storage has become a major talking point, with many politicians and media outlets declaring it will be the solution to South Austr ...
Solar System: The Solution To Rising Power Costs

Solar System: The Solution To Rising Power Costs

12 May 2018
Homeowners wanting a long-term solution to reducing their electricity bills take note: There is still time to take advantage of government incentives to install ...
Store Power From The Sun

Store Power From The Sun

02 May 2018
You can now dismiss your concerns about switching to solar power and feeling it might not match your household’s power usage. Master electrician and managing di ...
Solar Choice Helps Give Power To The People

Solar Choice Helps Give Power To The People

24 April 2018
South Australia is the ideal place for investing in solar panel installations with its Mediterranean-style climate of hot, dry summers and plenty of sunshine. W ...
Solar Power Direct is a proud member of the Smart Energy Council, working towards a safe climate and a strong renewable economy.